Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Welcome!

    3. Set Yourself Up for Success!

    4. How to Use the Video Player

    5. CEU Requirements

    6. Learning Objectives

    1. A is for Antecedent

    2. B is for Behaviour

    3. C is for Consequence

    4. D is for Data Collection

    5. E is for Environment

    6. F is for Function

    7. Knowledge Check

    1. G is for Generalisation

    2. H is for Happy, Relaxed and Engaged

    3. I is for Independence

    4. J is for AdJustment

    5. K is for K Skills

    6. L is for Learning

    7. Knowledge Check

    1. M is for Maintenance

    2. N is for Natural Environment Teaching (NET)

    3. O is for Oprah!

    4. P is for Person-Centred

    5. Q is for Quality of Life

    6. R is for Reinforcement

    7. Knowledge Check

    1. S is for Shaping

    2. T is for Task Analysis

    3. U is for Updates

    4. V is for Visual Analysis

    5. W is for WTF?! (What's the function?!)

    6. X is for EXplicit

    7. Y is for Yes! Let's do this!

    8. Z is for Z-Files

    9. Knowledge Check

    1. Summary

    2. Codewords

    3. Course Survey

    4. Resources

    5. References

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 41 lessons
  • Videos, readings, interactive activities and knowledge checks

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